Dead Island Review (Xbox 360)

Dead Island Review (Xbox 360)Dead Island is probably the most realistic representation of the Apocalypse zombie inevitable oncoming in the history of gaming. It is characterized by despair, sacrifice, frustration, fear and a sense of hopelessness ruler.

But there is a catch. Although the zombie Apocalypse may occasionally be satisfactory or fleetingly eerily triumphant when you survive another night, one thing that almost certainly will not.

You are one of four survivors on the island of Banoi, already besieged by the undead when the action begins. (Oddly, the other three characters you do not select will always appear at your side during cutscenes, but never in the actual game). The four survivors are safe from zombieitis necrotizing (or something like that) and the only responsible thing to do: set out across the island in search of (1) a way out and (2) people to help.

Help those in Dead Island is almost always a mission to kill your way to a section or a person, recover, and then kill the way home. So, since I just spent a good 20 hours or kill an infinite number of zombies (statistically speaking), let me share my expertise.

At first you only paddle to defend yourself, but as zombies get bigger, faster, more angry and explodier, you will search any, machetes and knives to hammers and hat stands. You can spend money to upgrade your weapons and change them with odd ingredients you look around the island, such as batteries and tubes to give them the ability to paralyze zombies, set them on fire, etc.

You will find and make a lot of weapons in the large island of the dead, but none of them will make you feel particularly safe. To begin with, each weapon is deteriorating rapidly and the cost of repairing the really good weapons is very prohibitive. So the joy of a chop-shocking zombie with your katana electrical is tempered by the knowledge of how much you'll pay to fix it.

The game encourages you to take up arms, but it might accidentally get your money in an area that you can not recover or under a pile of body where it is equally inaccessible. In addition, when you are running too many zombies to handle, throw a weapon is essentially saying goodbye forever. Another whole system should be fun, but is not.

While laying the weapons are cool but too expensive, melee combat, it will be your stock-commerce is simply boring. Encounters with zombies simply are pretty nice for a while, especially when you are out of lopping of limbs and heads. But the scenario much, much more common is attacked by zombies get several at once and die - a lot. No matter what number you're facing, the strategy is always the same: hammer on the right trigger. Just keep swinging for hours. There is a "kick", but it only works on one enemy at a time and frequently lacking, so it's not a reasonable way for you to buy space. The melee system is in desperate need of some depth or debit card. A button to block, for example, have come a long way.

Hoping that the gun will spice up the monotony? Do not. Zombies have never guns, so you will not even see a few hours when you start the battle during unzombified clumps of people. Since zombies have never ammunition (and the gun-toting human slaughter you if you use anything other than) the applicability of firearms zombies is extremely rare.

The game encourages you to take up arms, but it might accidentally get your money in an area that you can not recover or under a pile of body where it is equally inaccessible. In addition, when you are running too many zombies to handle, throw a weapon is essentially saying goodbye forever. Another whole system should be fun, but is not.

While laying the weapons are cool but too expensive, melee combat, it will be your stock-commerce is simply boring. Encounters with zombies simply are pretty nice for a while, especially when you are out of lopping of limbs and heads. But the scenario much, much more common is attacked by zombies get several at once and die - a lot. No matter what number you're facing, the strategy is always the same: hammer on the right trigger. Just keep swinging for hours. There is a "kick", but it only works on one enemy at a time and frequently lacking, so it's not a reasonable way for you to buy space. The melee system is in desperate need of some depth or debit card. A button to block, for example, have come a long way.

Hoping that the gun will spice up the monotony? Do not. Zombies have never guns, so you will not even see a few hours when you start the battle during unzombified clumps of people. Since zombies have never ammunition (and the gun-toting human slaughter you if you use anything other than) the applicability of firearms zombies is extremely rare.

The online system has its own problems. For one thing, it's much more fun to play with a friend (or three) at your side. No argument there. But if you want to play solo (as most are) know that the default set of co-op without warning when you start, one that you will be aware of when a stranger joins your game. If you still want to fly alone, you will need to leave all the way to the main menu to activate the solo and even then you will always prompt you saying that there is a stranger playing the same part of the game and you game is just the push of a button. Nothing says "immersive" as constantly updated on the progress of the "PeterGryffin420x."

These are questions that should be openly obvious to any halfway decent tester, so I have to wonder if the game was rushed to shelves to take advantage of the heat generated by the teaser trailer in February well received.

There is so much content in Dead Island is a real shame the work was not done to make functional fun. Some of it works: There is a wonderful world to explore here some ideas really neat and cool weapons. But the final product too closely mirrors its antagonists: shambling forward, but only just.

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